Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Quebec street

Quebec street
Originally uploaded by mayavi.
I have an affinity towards anything that is French. French wine, french architecture, paintings and do I have to say about French women *grin*. So, there is little wonder I like Quebec - the heart of french settlement in Canada. It has the Eurpoean charm written all over the city especially in the Quebec downtown.

The picture that you see is one of the art forms that you would see a lot of people do in Quebec. I actually came across quite a few painters in Montreal(Old) and Quebec. The paintings were found on the walls of the building in those narrow streets. Look at how the painting has been infused with life.


Monicaatje said...

It's almost like a picture. I mean, the painting is almost like a picture, not ur picture, cuz it's already a picture :P
Breathtaking i must say :)

hari said...

Nice pic Phantom. And french women, no doubt they have been voted to be the most sensuous in the world.

Enchanted Mind said...

Yep MoN, it was breathtaking...it cld easy serve as false street !!!

I always *drool* over french women :-)

NS said...

Breathtaking pic... I love paintings that celebrate realism... Love the details, like each and every rectangle shown on that tiled floor... I am always a sucker for details... great pic!

Enchanted Mind said...

me too.........its very interesting to see the whole scened breathed with life !