Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Tooth Temple

Tooth Temple
Originally uploaded by mayavi.
The last part of our Sri Lankan trip was to Kandy - its a hill station and is quite a target of LTTE activists. This city houses the Tooth Temple. It is so called because Lord Budha's tooth is being held as a sacred relic.

Find more info here

They used to take it out for procession once a month but the recent bombings(including a part of the temple) has mandated to stop all that. Infact it is pretty ironic that the LTTE (Tamil Liberation tigers) do not see the fact that at Dambulla, the cave temple has not only buddhist artifacts, but also their own god Lord Karthikeyan in total harmony. It is only possible as Buddha was born a Prince in northern India and attained this state after enlightenment. Therefore, the origin of the race do not really differe much.


Monicaatje said...

it would've been nice to know if the temple was built to hold the tooth... Amazing things we can do to worship those in whom we believe...

It's a very nice place, but i'm a little shocked by all the gold :P

Monicaatje said...

No comments on that LTTE part...

Anonymous said...

Hi cool website you have.
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Gerald E.
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